

In one easy to access location, this section of the website includes documents that related to 1)TPNO Governance, 2) Minutes of Key Meetings, 3) Current and Historical Financial Information, and 4) TPNO Award Recipients.

This section provides both a place to preserve our Twin Palms history, and the tools to help residents be active participants in the organization.   We also hope that some of these documents may be useful to other neighborhood organizations as model prototypes they can adapt to meet their unique needs.

Policy Documents.

These are the primary policies that govern the operation of TPNO. The By-Laws were established by the general membership. Only the general membership can amend them at a duly noticed general membership meeting. The Advisory Board, acting within the authority given to them by the By-Laws, have established six Organizational Policies.

The Advisory Board has adopted these policies to govern varies aspects of the ongoing operation of the organization.


Meeting minutes provide an important historical record of the organization’s actions and activities. Minutes also help to keep the membership and the general public aware and informed of past accomplishments, current activities, and future organizational plans. This information provides a firm foundation for member involvement.

General Membership meetings are held at least 3 times a year. Two are business meetings and one is a social event. Unapproved minutes are posted in advance of the meeting at which they will be reviewed and approved by the membership.

Elected every 2 years by the membership, the Advisory Board meets as needed, generally every other month. Meetings are open to the general membership. Minutes are posted once they are approved by the Advisory Board at its next meeting.


At the beginning of each year the Advisory Board adopts an annual budget based on projected income and expenditures. As needed, the budget is amended in order to reflect changing circumstances.

Annual Budgets for the current year and all past years are listed below.

Final Income and expenses statements for all past years are listed below.


TPNO has established three awards that recognize people and architecture in our neighborhood. Award recipients are selected by the Advisory Board. Nominations from the membership are encouraged.

These awards are intended to build a sense of community and encourage neighborhood identity. The bedrock upon which a successful neighborhood organization is built is people who know and interact with each other on a regular basis. People who have an understanding of the history, residents and special characteristics of their neighborhood are more likely to help maintain and improve it through collective action.

In 2017 the Advisory Board established this annual award to be presented in recognition of outstanding leadership to the Twin Palms neighborhood through the Twin Palms Neighborhood Organization. The first recipient of this award was Eric Chiel for his outstanding service to TPNO as our first Board Chairperson from 2013 to 2017. This award will be presented each year at the annual meeting.

Twin Palms is a neighborhood filled with interesting people who deserve recognition. These range from residents who have lived here for decades to those who have lived here for only a few years. Those recognized are people who exemplify the characteristics of good neighbors.

Twin Palms has a very rich inventory of houses, buildings and landscapes to choose from that include both mid-century modern architecture and other noteworthy architecture of historical merit. Periodically this award is given out to recognize one of those special architectural features.