The Twin Palms Neighborhood Organization's annual general membership social meeting was held at 4:00 pm on Thursday, January 9, 2025 at the Ocotillo Lodge Clubhouse. Sven Kirsten and Peter Moruzzi, the authors of a newly published book "Palm Springs Tiki" were the featured speakers. To set the mood, the clubhouse was decorated with festive Polynesian decorations including grass skits on the tables and tikis and candles on the tables
Colorful leis were provided to everyone, a fun accessory, especially for the many people who came dressed in vibrant Polynesian attire. To add to the mood, the refreshment tables were brimming with fruit and cheese platters, tasty sweets from Aspen Mills Bakery, and beverages including wine, beer, soft drinks and water.
Welcome, Introductions and Announcments
Board Chairperson Carol Munro welcomed everyone to our annual social general membership meeting. She introduced the Advisory Board members present, and then asked everyone to introduce themselves, and to note if this is their first TPNO meeting.
Carol said that the minutes of the last meeting of the General Membership was emailed out in advance, and a copy was on each table. A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2024 membership meeting.
She then reported on the upcoming February 17, 2025 Twin Palms Modernism Week Home Tour. Volunteers are still needed for the day of the Tour. Other announcements included that we are now accepting voluntary 2025 Membership Dues, a reminder to checkout our social media venues, and that our General Membership Annual Meeting is coming up at the end of March. Details as to date, time and location will be emailed out in February to everyone for whom we have their email address.
Carol asked board member Tony Vardaro to come up to the mic and introduce our guest speakers. Tony said that Sven Kirsten and co-author Peter Moruzzi have recently released their latest book “Palm Springs Tiki.” This book explores the fascinating history of Tiki and Polynesian culture and architecture in the Coachella Valley, including Palm Springs and its impact on Twin Palms.
Especially during the 1950’s and 1960’s, Tiki culture had a profound influence, with many buildings and businesses associated with the Tiki movement. Not to mention the impact on fashion for women and men. Sven’s half-hour PowerPoint slide show included Tiki pictures and memorabilia, many uncovered by the authors and now included in their book. A sampling of his slides is included at the end of the PowerPoint at the bottom of this posting.
The authors then answered questions from the membership.
Tony Vardaro then introduced David Udall and his family members in attendance. David’s family has lived in Twin Palms since around 1960, which likely makes him the longest continuous resident of our neighborhood.
His family owned and operated the Tiki Spa Hotel on Camino Real, which is now the location of Michael’s House. He shared what it was like to grow up in the neighborhood and to see the area go from mostly open desert to our current thriving community. He brought with him a number of photos of the neighborhood over the decades, and other memorabilia including the architectural drawings for the Tiki Spa Hotel. He answered questions, and said he would be available after the meeting to share all the historical items he brought with him.
Closing Remarks
Carol thanked the speakers for their fun and informative presentations. Over the decades Twin Palms was indeed influenced by Tiki culture.
Everyone got a raffle ticket when they arrived. A copy of the book Palm Springs Tiki was presented to the winner ticket holder.
Carol said that copies of the Palm Springs Tiki book are on sale today, with the authors ready to sign copies. Copies are also available for sale on-line at most book sales sites.
Everyone was thanked for coming to our social membership meeting. Carol encouraged people to stay and socializing with their neighbors and to enjoy the wine and refreshments.