The Twin Palms Neighborhood Organization held its Sixth Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 10:15 am at the historic Ocotillo Lodge Clubhouse.
Over 50 people enjoyed refreshments from Aspen Mills prior to the meeting where we reviewed our accomplishments over the past year and began planning for the upcoming year. Before and after the meeting members had opportunity to socialize with their neighbors.
A major highlight of the meeting was the presentation of TPNO Architectural Awards to Hugh Kaptur and members of the Palm Springs Fire Department for the renovation/expansion of Palm Springs Fire Station #4. Mr. Kaptur was the original architect of the fire station in 1971 and is a member of the expansion design team. (see pictures below)
Other meeting highlights included the election of Advisory Board members for 2019-2021, presentation of the Third Annual Eric Chiel TPNO Leadership Award to Larry Johnson, and a presentation and Q&A with our Police Department liaison officer. The agenda also included brief recaps on the 2019 Modernism Week Twin Palms Tour, the William Krisel’s Twin Palms Exhibit, the January membership social event, the Twin Palms web site TwinPalmsPS.org, and monument signs. There was an open dialogue period for everyone to discuss current neighborhood issues, involvement opportunities, and ideas for future activities.